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Does the Internet Do Spanish? (Part II)

Get Some Music

I have mentioned before that the decision to learn Spanish through music is a fantastic idea and I stand by that. I have learned a lot of words from songs and it is pretty easy to download songs for free. Just got to your favourite mp3 site and type in a Spanish word or name. Words like “corazon” and “amor” are going to be especially fruitful for you. If I could give you one piece of advice it would be to avoid reggaeton songs like the plague. I thought these would be like Spanish versions of Bob Marley songs but it is absolutely dreadful stuff. Oh, another piece of advice would be to look for Bon Jovi and Nat King Cole songs in Spanish if you want a laugh at someone else’s gringo accent.

Alternative Information

There isn’t the same sort of breadth of information on the internet in Spanish as there is in English, and quite often a seemingly basic search for local services or information will come up with a bafflingly small selection of sites. However, you can choose to supplement both Spanish courses and tourist activities by checking online in Spanish first. Occasionally you will come up with some gems which simply don’t exist online in English, such as a local’s perspective on a market or festival.